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Latest Episodes
- #27 Matrescence and Preparing for the Postpartum PeriodJoin Karen as she talks with Dr Oscar Serrallach about the research and science behind Matrescence and what couples and their community can do to support and protect this incredibly important and transformation time for mothers. Don’t forget to grab Oscar’s book “The Postnatal Depletion Cure”. It’s a must read for not just Mum’s but for …
- #26 Good Nutrition for Pregnancy & Gestational DiabetesIn this episode Karen explores with Lily Nicoles the importance of good nutrition for Pregnancy. They discuss not only what good nutrition and “Real Food” means but ways in which pregnant women and people ensure they are eating well for themselves and their babies. Karen and Lily also talk about gestational diabetes (GDM) and ways in which …
- #25 The Wonders of the Female Pelvis with Fiona HallinanThis episode is all about exploring the wonders of the Female pelvis. Karen and Fiona share their passion for the Pelvis and how it adapts in birth. They go on to discuss how birthing women and people can prepare their pelvis to create space for birth, because after all, birth is all about creating space.